Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Denali Day 3

We had a few more things we wanted to do in the park, so we stayed for another full day. First, we heard that the dogs were extra friendly in the mornings before the first demo because they hadn't had to deal with people all day long. So we went in right as they opened at 9 to give some more pets and get the kennel's stamp, which we didn't get last time because we had forgotten our passport.

We purchased our National Parks Passport when we went to Haleakala in July and are looking for stamps whenever we are in a national park. We thought there would be a specific spot for stamps from each park. Instead, there are just several pages for the stamps from each region. We also didn’t realize that a lot of parks have multiple stamps, so that leaves us the fun of trying to find all the stamps and figure out where they all are. 

There were 7 total stamps for Denali. One was down in Talkeetna, and when we went to the visitor center there we forgot to bring the passport with us. Another other one was for the backcountry center, which was closed for the season. We did get the other 5 though from the main visitor center, the science center, the kennels, the Toklat bus stop and the Eielson visitor center.  

The second thing we wanted to check out was the science and learning center. It turns out it’s really heavily geared towards young children but there was some cool stuff, like a microscope with a variety of samples from around the park. 

After that the only thing on our schedule was to hang out and use the internet so that Andreas could draft for his fantasy football league. With a few hours to kill, we went on a great short hike through the park near the visitor center.

We ended the day by driving into the park again a little further with our own RV. We had a few more amazing moose encounters and the park at dusk was amazing. 


All in all it was a pretty chill day. Checked a few things off the list before heading back to our pullout to head south in the morning. 

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